Linki O!Photo: site of Anna Geziuk’s and Barosz Milewski’s company devoted to quality commercial photography, short film production and some graphic design. Polish language at the moment Artyści Zaściankowi (Provincial Artists’) official website. Manifesto, history, photos of shows and activities, painting and photo galeries. Polish language only. Artyści Zaściankowi (Provincial Artists’) blog by Bartosz Milewski and Karol Wilk, on art, architecture, and things that haven’t passed away yet, as well as updates on the activities of the group. trailers, gallery shows and other works documented, provincial videos and one interview.

Photo galleries by Agata Grzegorczyk-Milewska (1978-2009) and Agata herself, the way we remeber her. ABRYS, School of photography and design in Wroclaw, Poland – polish language site